Centre for Palliative Medicine and Pain Management

The Centre for Palliative Medicine and Pain Management offers comprehensive care and support to patients and their families coping with advanced cancer. We deliver multi-professional services both to patients receiving palliative cancer treatment as well as to those with very limited or exhausted anti-cancer therapy options. Our team of experts will help you and your loved ones to deal with the physical, psychological, and social burden that cancer may impose. Our primary goal is to enable our patients to live a meaningful and good-quality life despite the difficulties associated with their disease.

We work closely with other teams and facilities within MMCI, as well as GPs, mobile and inpatient hospices in order to provide continuing patient support.

1How to make an appointment

Are you a patient treated at MMCI?

Do you suffer from an advanced cancer but you are not our patient yet?

Are you a general practitioner or an attending physician in another healthcare facility and need to consult a patient with an advanced disease?

Centre for Palliative Medicine and Pain Management

Centre for Palliative Medicine and Pain Management

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Free Cancer Helpline

Monday – Friday from 7.30 AM to 3.00 PM

(+420)800 222 322
