Science and Research

Scientific research is a vital and strategically important part of Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute activities. It is statutorily embedded in MMCI regulations. Moreover, research is one of the main activities for which our organization was established. Thus, MMCI a unique center in the Czech Republic which hosts under one roof both basic and applied research in the field of oncology and related biomedical fields. MMCI has its own research facility, and it also participates in numerous domestic and international cooperation projects.

1Focus of science and research

The MMCI scientific program focuses on seven key topics:

  1. Precision oncology in the field of prevention, diagnosis, surgical, radiation, and pharmacologic cancer treatment
  2. Translational research in molecular oncology and genetics
  3. Immune system and cancer
  4. Social sciences and humanities
  5. Supporting expert systems in oncology
  6. Cancer prevention
  7. Project connectivity in EU

2Direction of Science and Research

  • Independent researchers (introduced in the attachment) covering basic, translational, as well as clinical research provide feedback on research at MMCI, discuss relevant indicators of further development, and recommend a strategy for further advancement.
  • The Division of Science, Research, and Education at MMCI has two advisory bodies, the Scientific Board (which meets twice a year) and the Clinical Research Council (which meets regularly once a month). The Division comprises several independent units, the Bank of Biological Material, Research Centre for Applied Molecular Oncology (RECAMO), National Project Support Office, International Project Support Office, Medical Information Office, and, last but not least, the activities of the Scientific Secretary.


You can send us your requests and questions in the field of research

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Director for Science, Research and Education

doc. MUDr. Tomáš Kazda, Ph.D.

Director of Research Centre for Applied Molecular Oncology (RECAMO)

RNDr. Bořivoj Vojtěšek, DrSc.

Executive Director of the Bank of Biological Material

doc. Mgr. Roman Hrstka, Ph.D.

Head of National Project Support Office

Ing. Zuzana Kuncová

Head of the International Project Support Office

Ing. Iva Mládenková, Ph.D.


The Research Centre for Applied Molecular Oncology (RECAMO) is a modern research institute focusing on cancer biology.

For more information

5Bank of Biological Material

The Bank of Biological Material (BBM) stores long-term frozen tissues or tissues processed otherwise, along with other human biological material from MMCI cancer patients. These samples, along with relevant clinical information, are primarily used for research projects.

For more information

6 Scientific Secretary

The Scientific Secretary shall ensure the organization and management of the Scientific Board. They participate in organizing scientific work and develop new strategies and concepts for the advancement of science and research at MMCI.

7Scientific Board

The Scientific Board advises the Director on matters concerning science and research conducted at MMCI, including conceptual and strategic direction. It discusses and provides opinions primarily on projects carried out within the framework of grant support, including those financed by institutional support.

8Clinical Research Council

The MMCI Clinical Research Council (hereinafter referred to as the CRC) is a body under the Director for Science and Research, established to support the development of MMCI's scientific research activities, internal coordination, registration, and supervision of these activities.

9International Project Support Office

It provides consultancy and methodological guidance in the preparation of new scientific research projects under international grant schemes, particularly the Horizon Europe program and other EU community programs. The main activity of the unit primarily involves providing information and administrative support in the preparation of project applications and the actual process of their submission. Subsequent support and the implementation of the project are ensured in close cooperation and collaboration with the scientific team, legal, economic, and human resources departments.

Head of International Project Support Office

Ing. Iva Mládenková, Ph.D.

10National Project Support Office

It provides consultancy and methodological guidance in the preparation of new scientific research projects for domestic grant schemes. It offers consultancy and administrative support during the application process and throughout the execution of research projects.

Head of National Project Support Office

Ing. Zuzana Kuncová

11Publishing activities

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