Bank of Biological Material

The Bank of Biological Material (BBM) stores long-term frozen or otherwise processed tissues and other human biological materials from MMCI oncology patients as well as healthy donors. BBM provides samples, including clinical information, for MMCI oncology research projects as well as national or international translational research projects. Access to such archived material, including clinical data, can facilitate and accelerate the translation of laboratory knowledge into clinical practice. The operation of BBM adheres to basic methodological and ethical principles for working with human material. The operation and utilization of BBM require active institutional support and the collaborative effort of pathology, surgery, laboratory, and clinical staff. The BBM Department not only offers clinical samples of excellent quality with unique associated data but also expertise in modern biobanking technologies.

Large Research Infrastructure

Since 2010, the BBM at MMCI has participated in and coordinated the Czech National Node of Biobanks (, a large research infrastructure within the pan-European network BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium). This initiative facilitates the easier selection and searching of biological samples, as well as communication among biobanks and applicants. Our biobanking and IT experts have played key roles in developing online tools such as Negotiator, Federated Search, Directory, and Locator. These tools aid in harmonizing and consolidating all necessary information about samples, including clinical and laboratory data. One of the primary objectives of this biobank network is to integrate legal, ethical, and societal principles, alongside optimizing and standardizing procedures to achieve minimum quality management standards in accordance with EU guidelines for all members.


For more details visit


+420 543 133 318 (Mgr. Eva Růčková, Ph.D.)

+420 543 133 346 (RNDr. Kateřina Nováková, Ph.D.)


2Where to find us

Morávek pavillion (RECAMO)


doc. Mgr. Roman Hrstka, Ph.D.

Výkonný ředitel Banky biologického materiálu


+420 543 13 3321

+420 543 13 3306

Mgr. Zdenka Dudová, Ph.D.


+420 543 13 3317

Mgr. Jitka Forejtová Zhořová


+420 543 13 3346

Bc. Matúš Formánek


Mgr. Jana Gottwaldová


+420 543 13 6701

Mgr. Kristína Greplová


+420 543 13 6715

+420 543 13 6705

Bc. Veronika Holánková


+420 543 13 6706

+420 543 13 6605

Bc. Ema Jochmanová


+420 543 13 3318

Mgr. Lucie Juránková, MBA


+420 543 13 6703

Mgr. Radoslava Kacová


+420 543 13 3346

Bc. Šimon Koňár


RNDr. Kateřina Nováková, Ph.D.


+420 543 13 3346

Ing. Martina Podborská, Ph.D.


+420 543 13 6704

Mgr. Eva Růčková, Ph.D.


+420 543 13 3318

RNDr. Bc. Iveta Selingerová, Ph.D.


+420 543 13 6720

Mgr. Polina Shpet


+420 543 13 3314

Eva Šimůnková


+420 543 13 6706

+420 543 13 6610

Mgr. Tereza Šošolíková


+420 543 13 3319

Ing. Radovan Tomášik


+420 543 13 3317

Zuzana Vaněčková


+420 543 13 3318

+420 543 13 3314

4Research projects

5Project BBMRInv

About project:

Development and Modernisation of the National Biobank Network (BBMRInv) 


Registration number:       CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008196

Implementation period:  01.04.2024 - 31.12.2026


Provider:                              Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

                                               Programme Johannes Amos Comenius (P JAC)


Budget:                                184 510 030,00 CZK

Partner institutions:         Charles University

                                               Palacký University Olomouc

                                               Institute of Rheumatology

                                               Masaryk University

                                               Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion


Aims of the project:

The Biobanking and Biomolecular resources Research Infrastructure of the Czech Republic is conceived as a network of individual biobanks (BBM) whose primary task is to acquire, process and store human biological material and data from patients with a wide range of socially important diseases for future research in the medical and biological sciences. Biobanking is a progressive field and without sustained investment in research infrastructure, high quality and competitive research activities cannot be realised. The aim of the project is to upgrade instrumentation and software upgrades that will lead to innovation of processes that are standard in biobanks participating in the large research infrastructure. At the same time, it will also enable the development of processes directly related to the processing of biological material and data for scientific purposes, which will result in additional services to the scientific community and increased competitiveness at the international level.


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