Centre for cancer of unknown primary
and other rare malignancies
Our Centre deals with metastatic cancer in which the standard diagnostic procedures have failed to identify the site of original tumour. We also focus on rare cancers that occur in less than 6 individuals per 100,000 persons per year. These tumours require highly specialized multi-professional care with access to latest diagnostic and treatment options. The concentration of rare diseases in national cancer centres ensures that appropriate care is delivered to all patients.
1How to make an appointment
2How to make an appointment
Head of Centre
doc. MUDr. Jana Halámková, Ph.D.Head of Rare Endocrine Cancer Programme
doc. MUDr. Jana Halámková, Ph.D.Head of Rare Skin Cancer and Ocular Melanoma programme
doc. MUDr. Radek Lakomý, Ph.D.Head of Rare Genitourinary Cancer Programme
doc. MUDr. Alexandr Poprach, Ph.D.Head of Rare Gastrointestinal Cancer Programme
prof. MUDr. Marek Svoboda, Ph.D.Head of Neuroendocrine Cancer Programme
MUDr. Jiří Tomášek, Ph.D.Head of Malignant Brain Cancer Programme
doc. MUDr. Tomáš Kazda, Ph.D.Head of Radiotherapy Programme
MUDr. Tomáš NovotnýHead of Rare Head Cancer Programme
doc. MUDr. Jana Halámková, Ph.D.Urologists →
Gynaecologists →
Gastroenterologists →
Clinical and molecular geneticists →
Pathologists and molecular biologists →
Clinical trials →
Nuclear medicine →
Anaesthesiologist →
ENT physician →
Orthopaedist →
MUDr. David Starý, Ph.D. (FN Brno)
Centre for cancer of unknown primary
and other rare malignancies
Care and Services
Free Cancer Helpline
Monday – Friday from 7.30 AM to 3.00 PM
(+420)800 222 322