Cash Online Donations

If you want to make a cash online donation to our institute, please fill out the following form. You will then be redirected to the payment gateway, where you can make a cashless payment. After payment, you will be issued a gift certificate (in PDF format).

By making a donation, you agree with the  Donation Terms – can be downloaded here.

The amount of online donation can range from CZK 100 to CZK 100,000.

The donor can be a natural or legal person. You can make a cash or noncash donation. You can choose which department of the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute you want to donate to. For more information on other donation options and the Donation Terms - see Support MMCI.

In accordance with Act No. 586/1992, on Income Taxes, as amended (Section 15(1) for natural persons and section 20(8) for legal persons), you can reduce the income tax base by the amount donated.

Thank you for your donation.

If you have any questions regarding donations, do not hesitate to contact the Legal Department, Mgr. Radek Halouzka, MBA - telephone: +420 543 134 123, mail: [obfuscate_1_|102|97|107|104|111|120|107|96|57|103|109|117|45|92|116]

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